Is your pet sending you signs from Rainbow Bridge?
Losing a pet is hard – some would argue that it’s harder than losing a…
Losing a pet is hard – some would argue that it’s harder than losing a…
How to survive Christmas without killing your cats. Is it possible? If you follow these…
“Am I forgiven?” A question from a client, she had just one. Can you feel…
Yup, that was a genuine request from a client) In their eyes, ‘Animal Communicator’ =…
There are 4 words that break my heart 💔 in my animal communication business. Do…
In the last few months, I have been exposed to many animals that have passed…
Did you know that I am an animal medium AS WELL AS an animal communicator?…
I’ve had a lot of therapy in my life. Woah 😱 How was THAT for…
It feels like part of your heart has been ripped out, and then trampled 😭…
“I don’t really believe in Animal Communication. It’s a load of old hogwash.” This was…
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