It feels like part of your heart has been ripped out,

and then trampled 😭

🌟 You refuse to put their food bowls away 🥣
🌟 You don’t wash their blanket
🌟 You leave their bed in the corner where you’re using to seeing them 🛌
🌟 You even still trip over them where you’re expecting them to be under your feet

There’s a vacuum, an aching dullness in your inside that just won’t go away.

There’s so much you never got the chance to say.

And it’s eating you up inside 😭

PLEASE….. Please don’t let it – I can help 🙏

I am able to talk to animals that have passed.

💫 You have that chance to ask the questions you want to ask.
💫 You have that chance to tell them all the things you never got to say.

Please don’t deny yourself that chance.

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