“What are you thinking?”

I asked this of my two largest cats, Blue and Jabari, as I saw them sunning themselves outside this morning. ☀️

They were both on a table, eyes closed, facing the sun like furry sunflowers. 🌻

(Well, they were, until I tapped the glass from inside to take the photo 🙄)

It was like they were totally in the moment, enjoying the sensations of being warm, with not a care in the world.

❌ They weren’t thinking about what chores they wanted to get done today

❌ They weren’t thinking about their upcoming week

❌ They weren’t thinking about what was going to be for dinner tonight (maybe Jabari was, but that’s another story…)

❌ They weren’t thinking about how they looked

❌ They weren’t thinking about what people thought about them

✅ They were enjoying the moment

✅ They were enjoying the moment

✅ They were enjoying the moment

✅ They were enjoying the moment

In answer to my question, Jabari answered me by sharing a sensation with me.

It was a beautiful calm, warm state of being.

Which was great because I was freezing and running around armed with my Sunday chores list.

Then he gave me the word “empty”.

He said he was empty of judgement, empty of analysis, empty of concern.

“Just be,” he said.

Sigh – such a simple lesson, but why is it always so hard to step back from the rush of everyday life, and just be?

This reminded me of a quote by Eckhart Tolle

“I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats.”

Is your cat a Zen master?

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